"Histories Beyond the Page" - Folk Song Research with Kathy Kuddes


In This Conversation….

00:00 - Kathy Kuddes!

01:27 - What is folk song research?

03:41 - Questioning the “music teacher canon”

13:18 - What is a folk song?

18:29 - Planning what to leave out

22:02 - What to look for in song resources

31:29 - Print resource recommendations

39:34 - Getting music off the page (“Hop Old Squirrel”)

45:05 - Digital resource recommendations

48:12 - Where to get started with song research

55:20 - How to connect with Kathy


Kathy Kuddes is the retired Director of Fine Arts for the Plano Independent School District, Coordinator of the Plano Kodály Training Program, and lead instructor for its partner program at the Meadows School of Fine Arts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. 

Kathy has presented sessions for the Texas Music Educators Association, the Organization of American Kodály Educators, the American Orff-Schulwerk Association, at the International Kodály Symposia in Australia, Hungary and Los Angeles and numerous school districts on topics from curriculum development to materials selection and song research.

Connect with KATHY


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