Apple Tree (Copy)

Song Introduction Idea:

Steady Beat

Consider using this introduction for very young musicians:

  • Using simultaneous imitation, students pat a steady beat as the teacher sings the song. Clap on the word, “out.”

  • Standing in place, students step a steady beat while the teacher sings the song. Clap and freeze on the word, “out.”

  • Students turn clockwise and step in a circle while the teacher sings the song. Clap and freeze on the word, “out.”

  • The teacher places a tubano in the middle of the circle and sings the song again as students step around in a steady beat. As the students move, the teacher is stationary, standing off to the side of the circle. When the song ends, the student in the circle who is the closest to the teacher is out. That student moves to the middle and plays a steady beat on the tubano as the rest of the class moves.

Activity: REading & Writing

Content focus: la

Reading La: 

  • In between rounds of the game, ss read melodic patterns on the board, progressing through levels of T assistance 

  • T sings pattern with body solfege and solfege syllables. Ss echo with body solfege and solfege syllables 

  • T sings pattern with body solfege on a neutral syllable. Ss echo with body solfege and solfege syllables 

  • T and ss inner hear pattern while showing body solfege. Ss sing with body solfege and solfege syllables 

  • Ss sing pattern with body solfege and solfege syllables 

Writing La:

  • Trace and copy the melodies 


Big Fat Biscuit (Copy)


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