Big Fat Biscuit (Copy)

Introducing the Song:

  • Start clapping pattern

  • Students stand in place. The teacher sings the song. When students hear the word, jump they jump as high as they can and land in back place.

  • The teacher identifies the highest jumper and that student judges the next round. Continue for a few rounds of the game as time allows

  • What words repeat? (Chewbelew) Are they always the same or are they sometimes different? Sing again. (always the same)

  • Students sing the response (Chewbelew)

  • Students sing the response in the game: Three or four student volunteers line up shoulder to shoulder. At the words jump over yonder, they jump forward as far as they can. Whoever jumps the furthest wins.

Activity: Singing Solfege

Content focus: Low la

  • Sing and play game. Sing “chew belew” on solfege with hand signs 

  • Sing first sixteen beats on solfege with hand signs


Biddy Biddy Hold Fast (Copy)


Apple Tree (Copy)